Why Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t an Indulgence

Does your less-than-perfect smile cause you to avoid the camera? Do you cover your mouth when you laugh, talk, or eat? Are you embarrassed of your gapped, crooked, or chipped teeth? Your cosmetic dentist can help!

Many people view cosmetic dentistry as an unnecessary expense or vanity, but there are numerous benefits to improving the look of your smile that have more to do with improving your quality of life than your appearance.  

In this blog, our cosmetic dentist discusses the many benefits of cosmetic dentistry and the various treatments that are available for a smile makeover. 

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Bright, beautiful teeth will obviously boost self-confidence, but the benefits of cosmetic dentistry go far beyond the smile. According to a consumer study, a new and improved smile makes a person seem: 

  • More intelligent and successful: The way others view you will significantly shift. Who would want to raise their chances of landing their dream job or finally getting that promotion? 
  • Friendlier and happier:Imagine the impact this will have on your relationships with family, friends, and coworkers! 
  • Healthier: People won’t just perceive you as healthier, you will be. Correcting crooked or crowded teeth significantly decreases the risk of cavities and gum disease. Replacing missing teeth with dental implants can also improve the health of your jaw.
  • More appealing to the opposite sex: Another study proved that 96% of adults believe a beautiful smile makes a person more attractive. Mr. or Mrs. Right could be on the other side of your cosmetic dental procedure. 

Smile Makeover Treatments

Ready to discover which treatment is best for your smile? Depending on the current state of your smile, you may need one or more of these cosmetic procedures: 

  • Invisalign® braces: Patients with crooked, crowded, gapped, or misaligned teeth should explore the option of Invisalign clear aligners. This innovative, discreet, and comfortable orthodontic treatment makes creating a perfectly aligned smile simple. 
  • Porcelain veneers: Many celebrities have used dental veneers to dramatically improve the appearance of their smiles. Thin porcelain veneers are placed on the front surfaces of teeth to correct their shape, color, size, and alignment. 
  • Lumineers: For the most minor imperfections like breaks, chips, gaps, and stains, Lumineers might be the perfect option. Unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers are incredibly thin so dentists only remove the tiniest amount of natural tooth structure, if any. 
  • In-office whitening: Over-the-counter teeth whitening systems leave patients wanting more. Your cosmetic dentist can use a professional teeth whitening system to brighten your smile by up to nine shades in minutes! 

Other cosmetic procedures include white tooth fillings, dental crowns, inlays, and onlays. These are typically used as restorative treatment options but can double as a cosmetic solution. 

Patients must have good oral health to qualify for cosmetic dentistry. If you have dental decay, gum disease, or another oral health problem, it must be addressed before your dentist can proceed with cosmetic treatment. Treatment will ensure that your smile makeover has a foundation of great oral health, which is necessary for restorations to last.

Find a Cosmetic Dentist Near You

In your search for a great cosmetic dentist, look for a dentist with good patient reviews, state-of-the-art technology, and plenty of education and training in cosmetic dental services. 

Dr. Erik Swanson offers all of this and more at his Visalia, CA dental office. Schedule an initial consultation with our friendly dental team at (559) 732-4543 today. 

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