Posts Tagged ‘Visalia dentist’

No More Slip-Ups — Dental Implants for Denture Wearers

woman with dental implants

Have you ever been in the middle of a meal or conversation when your dentures suddenly came loose? Yikes! We know how embarrassing that can be. Unfortunately, that isn’t the only problem denture wearers experience. If you’ve had dentures for any amount of time, you may have also suffered from these issues: Difficulty chewing Lessened…

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New Year’s Resolution: Overcome Being Afraid of the Dentist

nervous man

If you’ve ever had a bad experience at the dentist, you’re not alone. Unfortunately for many people, bad experiences often cause dental fear or anxiety. Sometimes, being afraid of dental appointments can be caused by other factors, like: Fear of pain Fear of injections Loss of control Loss of personal space Embarrassment about teeth Pain…

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Can A Dental Cleaning Help My Bad Breath?

woman with bad breath

Are you constantly covering you mouth while talking? Do you distance yourself from people so they can’t smell your breath? Bad breath is extremely embarrassing and can make you miserable. Sometimes, halitosis is a symptom of certain medications, mouth infections, and nose or throat conditions, but more often, it’s linked to bad bacteria in the…

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How to Prepare for Sedation Dentistry

woman patient relaxed at the dentist

A good dentist will make you feel comfortable, well cared for, valued, and respected. When a person feels stressed or anxious, pain tolerance is lower and “fight or flight” instincts are ready to spring into action. If you have reservations (or outright fears) about going to the dentist, you are not alone. Studies tell us…

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