How to improve your teeth brushing habits

Getting in a routine and brushing your teeth on a regular basis is the first step of taking control of your oral health. That is definitely the cornerstone of the high quality general and cosmetic dentistry that we provide in the in Visalia, California. Healthy teeth make a beautiful smile. Brushing can also help with gum health and even keep your breath smelling sweet.

What’s the best way to build brushing your teeth into your routine? Make it a habit to brush for 2 minutes. It’s easy to cut your brushing time short, especially if you’re running late. But focusing on brushing your teeth the entire 2 minutes will help you put the right time aside to get the best out of your routine. A habit is an automated practice that becomes hard to give up. Some habits can be bad, of course. Brushing for 2 minutes can be a good habit.

Here’s some quick tips to grow teeth brushing habits with you and your family!

Simple is Better

Keep your brushing requirements simple, but One of the best ways to create a habit is to keep the requirements simple. Brushing teeth is already a simple task, but we can focus on the simplicity to help it stick as a habit.

Regular Timing

Choose at least two, or three regular times to brush your teeth. Set a timer if you have to, but it’s best to create a habit around other regular activities. “First thing in the morning” or “after breakfast” are good times. After dinner or just before getting into bed are also good times.

Regardless of when you choose, make sure it is a daily activity, and that it is tied to another routine or habit as a reminder. In this way you are actually appending an existing habit or routine, and that makes it easier.

Stick To It

Research indicates it takes about two weeks to create a habit. You have to do a task for at least two weeks in a row before your brain will turn it over to auto-pilot and make it into a habit. Your brain tries to do this with routine things so you don’t have to keep the task in your short-term memory.

If you can stick with a task for two weeks, you’ll be well on your way to creating a good habit. If you can hold on for 30 days, you’ll imprint your new habit as a reflexive routine. You may never have to think about it again!

Improve It

Finally, any good habit needs constant improving. You can improve your habit of brushing your teeth by working on proper form, or by adding a little bit of time. Work toward the two minute mark; any longer and it may start to cause damage. You can also make sure you are using a soft or medium brush, and that you are using floride toothpaste to keep your teeth healthy.

Start Today

There’s no time like the present to get started on creating healthy habits for your teeth. If you are having trouble with brushing, make a commitment to work on it starting now. If you are caring for a young child, or working with a teenager, help reinforce good habits with reminders, positive support, and a leading example. The good news is that once you have created a healthy habit around brushing your teeth, you’ll have plenty of reason to smile.

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