How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

Regular teeth cleanings may seem simple, but they’re hands down the best way to deter oral health problems and prevent tooth decay before it’s too late. Plus, maintaining a white, shiny smile year-round is much easier when a professional is regularly examining your tooth and gum health.

So, how often should you get a professional teeth cleaning? Most experts recommend a professional cleaning twice a year. Two routine dental checkups are also included under most dental insurance policies, and Dr. Swanson is happy to welcome you into his office biannually for a quick examination and cleaning.

What occurs during a cleaning?

A typical cleaning can be broken down into three simple categories. Let’s take a look at each of these steps to learn the benefits of a regular, professional teeth cleaning:

  • Dental exam: The exam starts with an oral hygienist, who will inspect your teeth closely for anything that seems out of place. You may also be due for X-rays, which can allow your dentist to examine your teeth and jaw more closely.
  • Cleaning: After the basic oral exam, you will have the plaque scraped off your teeth, and then the hygienist will give your teeth a thorough brushing with the help of electrically-powered toothbrush. You will also have your teeth flossed.
  • Fluoride: At the conclusion of your appointment, your mouth will be rinsed and if you are in need of a fluoride treatment, it will be applied at this time. If there are any pressing issues you need to discuss with the dentist, you may also discuss them at this stage.

As you can see, a regular dental checkup is a simple but necessary process in keeping your teeth and mouth healthy. It is usually a quick appointment, but important in detecting any changes in your oral health.

Why should I come in twice a year?

Two times annually was not just a number selected at random! It is important to have your mouth examined and cleaned by the dentist twice a year because your oral health is time sensitive. Even though you may maintain great oral hygiene at home, tartar and plaque begin to build up anyway.

Of course, you should still maintain the habit of brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and minimizing your intake of sugary foods and drinks. Plaque is soft for the first few hours after it begins to form, which is why frequent brushing is necessary. Once the plaque has hardened into tartar, it cannot be brushed off, and may cause gum disease and cavities if left untreated.

Teeth cleanings are so important because they can ensure your teeth are completely clean, and keep any tartar at bay. The fluoride coatings you receive during your checkup also help to protect your tooth enamel and expel harmful bacteria. Allowing your dentist to look inside your mouth regularly increases the odds of detecting serious health issues early on, such as oral cancer and tooth decay.

Schedule a teeth cleaning today!

Has it been awhile since your last professional teeth cleaning? When you lead a busy life, it’s easy for routine checkups to get swept under the rug. The good news is, by making an appointment to come into our office, you can quickly and easily take huge strides to protect your teeth.
Dr. Swanson and his team are ready to welcome you into their practice with open arms! Come join us for a teeth cleaning by scheduling an appointment online or giving us a call at (559) 732-4543.

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