Can A Dental Cleaning Help My Bad Breath?

Are you constantly covering you mouth while talking? Do you distance yourself from people so they can’t smell your breath? Bad breath is extremely embarrassing and can make you miserable.

Sometimes, halitosis is a symptom of certain medications, mouth infections, and nose or throat conditions, but more often, it’s linked to bad bacteria in the mouth. For this type of bad breath, Dr. Erik Swanson has an easy fix. Dental cleanings are a safe, quick, and trusted solution. If you’re ready to get rid of your bad breath, contact our friendly team at (559) 732-4543 to schedule your dental cleaning.

Here’s what will happen during your dental check-up and cleaning:

1. Physical Exam

The appointment will begin with one of our friendly hygienists inspecting your entire mouth. The hygienist will check around your teeth and gums for any signs of gum disease, tooth decay, or anything else that might be causing your bad breath. If another dental health problem is discovered, Dr. Swanson will decide what the next step should be.

2. Eliminating Plaque and Tartar

Using a scaler, tartar and plaque will be gently removed from your teeth and gums. For many patients, this is the most unpleasant part of the process, but our skilled and experienced dental hygienist will make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible.

The amount of time spent on this step depends on how much tartar you have. If you are practicing good oral hygiene habits at home, this process should be over in no time.

3. Gritty Toothpaste

Next, a gritty toothpaste is used to remove any bad germs that are still hanging onto your teeth. This – paired with a brushing from a high-powered electric toothbrush – will be able to finish the job of polishing your smile.

If used at home, this toothpaste can be damaging to the enamel on your teeth. Leave this step to the professionals!

4. Expert Flossing

If you floss at home, you know how hard it can be to get between your back molars. Our hygienist will be able to reach those deep, dark spaces that don’t get as much care to ensure all plaque has been removed from your teeth.

5. Rinsing

Fluoride is a mineral found in teeth, food, and water. Dentists suggest using it to help strengthen your tooth enamel. At our office, we give patients fluoride to rinse their mouths of any debris. Consider buying fluoride mouthwash or toothpaste from your local general merchandise store to continue protecting your teeth at home.

6. Applying Fluoride Treatment

Lastly, you will choose a flavor of fluoride gel to be used on your teeth. The gel is put into a mouthpiece and the mouthpiece is placed on your teeth for one minute. A varnish is then painted onto the teeth and allowed to solidify to guard your teeth against decay for several months.

Visit Your Visalia, CA Dentist Today

The best way to overcome bad breath is by having a healthy mouth. With a thorough cleaning, bad breath germs won’t be able to survive. Schedule your dental cleaning online or call us today at (559) 732-4543.

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